Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
Hey together.
This is not just a feature-update.
Unfortunately we have some sad but necessary news about Linchpin Hey. After 2 years of development, we have decided to stop development as well as marketing and sales efforts for Linchpin Hey.
Part of agile software development is ending projects when external conditions change and the idea of developing a relevant product fades. I'm sure you saw Atlas as part of Atlassian Team 2022 in Las Vegas. Atlassian's newest product, which was previously known as 'Team Central’. Atlas' goal is to make collaboration more transparent and connect teams. If you compare both products there are too many parallels.
Our plans are to use the resources that we would have put in to Linchpin Hey and develop new Atlassian Cloud Apps to further expand Linchpin in the Atlassian Cloud. Check out our newest apps for Confluence Cloud:
Add a menu to your Confluence Cloud system with Navigation Menus
Highlight Atlassian blogposts thanks to the Enterprise News.
If you have any questions about Linchpin's path to the cloud or regarding current migration projects with your customers, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Due to our intensive internal use, we will continue to let Hey Live, new Workspaces can be created. You can also purchase a license and build your intranet on Hey. We will not shut down the servers, nor will we make things more restrictive. However, there will be no more active development.
What is included in this new version?
We added the topics-feature. One of the most requested features, if not the most requested. Topics structure your post timeline and only the topics you subscribe to show up.
Subscribe to existing topics, create new ones, add topics to your own posts and create order and structure in your post communication.
We thank you for your trust in Hey on behalf of the entire Hey product team and wish you all the best for the future.
Sarah & Samuel
Product Management
What's New?
- Easier writing of News: Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop Images and Files to attach them in your news-article. It's easier than ever. Just as you know it from posts.
- Company Happiness can now be disabled via the admin area. Just go to the feature tab and turn off the slider there.
- Creation of new workspaces is now easier and more intuitive - we implemented a workflow which already includes theming of your workspace within the creation process
- Posting links in the mobile app is now possible again.
- Some minor Bugs with our internal Backup Functionality is working again. Just fyi.
🎉 We just updated Hey to 3.32
✋ Mobile Hey Five
With this release we added a mobile Hey Five Support - send and reveive the beloved Hey Fives on your mobile App.

And what else? 🛸
Bugfix: The Social Happenings published in the last version on your mobile app still had some small teething problems, which we were able to fix with the new version.
Haven't downloaded the Hey Mobile App yet?
Do it - just scan one of the QR Codes and download the app. I promise you won't regret it.

We've updated your Hey! 🤩
This is just a quick notice that you are now surfing on the most recent version of Hey. Have a look what is new and start exploring the new hot stuff.
📂 Fileupload for Hey Posts
Posts is the central place of linear communication in Hey. From now on it is possible to upload files of any kind to Posts. Be it the PDF with the quarterly figures or the schedule of the upcoming hackathon - now you can share it with everyone.
👀 Story Views
For anyone sharing content and information, it's important to know if and who is viewing it. With the next iteration of our Read Status, you can now see how many people have viewed your story in Stories to see if the reach is right.

🏞 Social Cards and Interactions on Mobile
Never again the unpleasant situation that you sit in the first meeting in the morning with an unknown birthday girl without knowing it. From now on, the dashboard in the app will tell you immediately and before your second coffee who has a birthday, is a new employee or is celebrating an anniversary.
Tap on the button and send quick greetings to the person.
Did you know?
Stories are an important communication feature that we are currently enhancing.
It's the easy way of sharing special moments from your mobile device.
Download our App here:

Let's share some Love
From now on, not only can you share love with Hey, but most importantly, you can share content from Hey in Post
On to the Features we recently released:
# 1: Posts
Easily share News, Events and Teams in Hey Posts. Just copy and paste the URL of the corresponding Entity into the Posts-Editor and a Preview is created instantly. You decide whether you want to keep the Link inside the Editor, Share only the Text-URL oder share both, the preview and the URL in the Editor. And one special for Mobile: You can see these shared contents in Mobile as well - and on top we added the support of the Mobile Youtube-player. So shared Youtube-Links are now as well shown as a player as it was released for web a few weeks ago. - Web & Mobile#2: Stories
Micro-Interactions make a product adorable and people start loving it. We added a nice animation for the reactions in Stories - didn't create a story yet? You better start now or otherwise you might miss this great small improvement.
In a nutshell:
- Web & Mobile client:Share News, Events and Teams via Link in a Post, get a preview, directly interact with the shared content (Join an event e.g.) (mobile only view of shares)
- Web & Mobile client:React on stories and get a tiny feedback-animation (Web: Animation on the dashboard as well)
Bug Fixes
: - Web client:We fixed a bug where sometimes "unknown user" was displayed instead of the real username and avatar.
- Web client:We fixed a bug where the HeyFive button was partially overlaid by another element.
- Web & Mobile client:We fixed a bug where manually entering a date in Hey Events could cause the app to crash in certain cases.
- Web client:We also fixed a bug that caused the Profile Completion widget to be displayed again in some cases despite completion.
Another one. Just in time.
Focus # 1: Stories.
You can now respond to stories and see who else has done so. It's just like you're used to from other content in Hey. Show what you think and feel with a reaction of your choice. There are also some usability and stability improvements in the feature that you'll feel especially with heavy usage. Try it right away - you will notice a difference!
Focus number 2:
Team pages in Hey. With the team pages we took another step towards mapping your company structure. From now on it is possible to introduce your team via a text field. Just like you are used to from your own profiles. Use the field e.g. for a short description of what you do in the company and give a hint about your availability. In addition, there is now a map on the team page that shows the geographical distribution of the team members. Important for this: You should maintain your location fields in your profile. Only then you will appear on the map of your team. 😎

Oh and one more nice Feature: V-Cards.
Nothing new, yet super handy. Hover on almost any Avatar in the System in order to receive further Details about the person as well as send them a HeyFive right in place. Chacka! What else? (Yes, there's more.)
- Web client:You always wanted to know when the colleagues in the company started, or when their birthday is? In the new calendar view with the social happenings you can do just that. In a simple monthly view, you can see exactly who has a birthday and when. Very convenient.
Bug Fixes
: - Web client: We fixed a bug, where a "reduced motion" setting in the OS led to an empty news-teaser-view.
- Mobile Client: Due to a change at Atlassian's API the Integration in Mobile Devices was broken and only showed an Error. In order to see your Jira Issues and Confluence Pages on the Mobile Dashbaord again, try to reconnect the integrations.
Hey 2.28 (Web & mobile)
This one is big (and you waited quite some time)
We took reactions to the next level. Now, when surfing Hey, you will see your colleagues reacting live, right before your eyes!
It's also easier to invite your colleagues to your Hey workspace now. All that is required is an invitation code, which can then be entered when logging in to join the correct workspace directly.

New features
- Web client:Users can join your workspace via an invitiation code or an invitation link now.
- Web client:Search through all Hey content with our full-text search and find the right content quickly from anywhere.
- Web client:Reactions on posts, news and comments which are visible are being updated live now.
- Mobile App/Web client:Team pages is released in a very early stage showing the members of a team, as soon as colleagues have filled in there team field in their profile. Teampages are automatically created as soon as a team is created. Nothing to do here for anyone.
- Mobile App/Web client:Automatic scaling of images. From now on, we scale uploaded images in both the app and the web client and compress them into the modern WebP format to significantly reduce access times and the amount of data.
- Web client:We optimized the amount of requests done by the client.
Because we recently got one or the other request regarding the Log4J vulnerability ( We do not use the programming language "Java" in Hey Development, which is why we are not affected by this vulnerability.Proudly presenting
Hey 2.27
Search and find - now available in Hey. Search posts and post comments from anywhere.. The new Linchpin Hey Search is now available in the header.

Just click on the magnifying glass and start typing. The results will come in real time. You'll find all posts and post comments right at your fingertips - and don't worry. Other content won't be long in coming.
Web Client
New Features
- Search Posts and Post Comments
- Images in posts can now be inserted via drag&drop or copy&paste.
- The dashboard has received a small layout upgrade - more clarity for the many contents on your home page, including the header of Linchpin Hey
Hey 2.26 (Web)
A new one already!
Have you already completed our recently released Profile Completion Challenge and got your well-deserved dose of confetti? No? Then hurry up and complete your profile - you won't regret it.
And while you're thinking about profiles, why not give a quick shout-out to your favourite colleague?

Hey 2.26 is here!
With Hey 2.26 this is now easier than ever: go to the profile of your favourite colleague and click on "send HeyFive" in the top right-hand corner directly on the cover picture, write a nice message and off you go. Maybe you'll get a HeyFive back :)
Appreciation with Hey is easy and only costs one click. People's smiles, on the other hand, are priceless.
2.25.1 Patch Release
- Web client: Fixing a bug where users who use our Google Login and already have a profile image set are still asked to add another by the profile reminder widget
- Web client: Set default Workspace at create mask to "Add workspace with demo content"
- Mobile App / Web client: Integrate our Customer relations tool in order to enhance Customer Service
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