Another one. Just in time.
Focus # 1: Stories.
You can now respond to stories and see who else has done so. It's just like you're used to from other content in Hey. Show what you think and feel with a reaction of your choice. There are also some usability and stability improvements in the feature that you'll feel especially with heavy usage. Try it right away - you will notice a difference!
Focus number 2:
Team pages in Hey. With the team pages we took another step towards mapping your company structure. From now on it is possible to introduce your team via a text field. Just like you are used to from your own profiles. Use the field e.g. for a short description of what you do in the company and give a hint about your availability. In addition, there is now a map on the team page that shows the geographical distribution of the team members. Important for this: You should maintain your location fields in your profile. Only then you will appear on the map of your team. 😎

Oh and one more nice Feature: V-Cards.
Nothing new, yet super handy. Hover on almost any Avatar in the System in order to receive further Details about the person as well as send them a HeyFive right in place. Chacka! What else? (Yes, there's more.)
- Web client:You always wanted to know when the colleagues in the company started, or when their birthday is? In the new calendar view with the social happenings you can do just that. In a simple monthly view, you can see exactly who has a birthday and when. Very convenient.
Bug Fixes
: - Web client: We fixed a bug, where a "reduced motion" setting in the OS led to an empty news-teaser-view.
- Mobile Client: Due to a change at Atlassian's API the Integration in Mobile Devices was broken and only showed an Error. In order to see your Jira Issues and Confluence Pages on the Mobile Dashbaord again, try to reconnect the integrations.